Daily deals is simple enough: deals appear on the website for a certain amount of time, usually 24 hours. Everything from Ottomans to watches are up for grabs. Most of the deals are powered through third parties, like Woot, TechBargains, and others.
Coupons and Weekly Ads, however, are aggregators of deals. They scour places like CouponMountain, Dealnews, ESticker, HSN, and Amazon for the most recent deals. You can save them or comment on them as well. Weekly Ads lets you print out the classic coupon pages and books you get in the mail, which actually becomes useful when you go to buy groceries. There are also little additions like a widget for finding cheap gas near your location, contests, and video tips on saving cash (though I havent’ seem those pop up yet).
Overall, the new Yahoo Deals is a coupon and savings aggregator, and a good one at that. Quickly search for your store or product and you’ll probably find something. Being able to print out grocery coupons will quickly add up to big savings. And its partnerships gives it exclusive discounts others don’t have. Saving money is still sexy, and Yahoo Deals will fulfill that need if you have to penny pinch.
Can Yahoo Save You Cash?
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on Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saving Money
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Apple iPod Touch Cheaper Lineup w/ Expanded Capacity
Posted by
on Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tech News
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Apple introduced new iPod touch lineup same from made cheaper iPod shuffle, the touch now is available for just $199. The device could be the cheapest access to App Store with its repository of over 75,000 apps, plus the fact that it was one of the coolest music devices on the market, a mini-internet tablet computer and popularly known lately as a portable game console.
“At just $199 the iPod touch is the most affordable gateway to Apple’s revolutionary App Store with more than 75,000 applications that you can wirelessly download right into your iPod touch,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “You get a great iPod, a great pocket computer with the industry’s best mobile web browser and a great game player, all in this super-thin beautiful enclosure.”
The iPod Touch packed Multi-Touch™ user interface, 3.5-inch widescreen glass display, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a built-in accelerometer and speaker enclosed on a metallic thin crafted device.
It is now available 8GB ($199), 32GB ($299) and 64GB ($399) models. Apparently it still a big question why we don't see the rumored 3.2-megapixel camera built on its frame and added on its gorgeous features, Steve, common why?.
via: engadgeteer